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Emergency Plug For Electric Vehicle (EV) Response

The Emergency Plug quickly and simply helps prevent unwanted movement of an EV during emergency operations, so that First Responders can work safely.

The Emergency Plug is the perfect solution for those responding to an electric vehicle (EV) emergency. Unlike fuel-powered cars, it can be difficult to determine whether an EV is running or not, and difficult to shut-off in an accident. If an accident is severe enough, the safety systems may have possibly malfunctioned, and emergency responders may have to face the difficult position of not knowing the status of the vehicle. Without understanding the technology of an electric car, responders can find themselves, and others, in danger.


Once plugged into the vehicle’s charging port, the plug simulates a charging process, switches gear to “Park” or “Neutral” and may apply the electric parking brake. This allows emergency personnel to take control of its power functions, safely turning off all necessary electronics.

With one simple plug-in you can put everyone’s minds at ease knowing that your rescue operations are safe, swift, and dependable with The Emergency Plug!

Part Numbers:

Emergency Plug


Product Advisory:

It has come to our attention that the Emergency Plug® cannot disable certain US car models from General Motors (GM) due to their unique electrical systems. Total Safety Solutions is actively addressing this limitation and remains dedicated to ensuring the device meets safety standards and supports first responders effectively.

Total Safety Solutions Emergency Plug


Plug it safe!

How does the Emergency plug work?

The Emergency Plug is equipped with two different plug types (type 1 & type 2) and a Tesla adapter. With this one device you can prevent most types of plug-in cars from driving away unexpectedly. Using the Emergency-Plug is so simple that no training is required.

The responder who arrives first simply places the Emergency plug in the charging socket of the vehicle. The plug tricks the car’s software into thinking the car is charging. In every car worldwide it is regulated by software that when a car is charging, it must not be able to drive away. Every manufacturer has had to build in the same protocol for this so that serious damage to charging stations and the electricity grid is prevented.

Who is the Emergency Plug for?

The Emergency plug was introduced to ensure that all users working on the vehicle can guarantee their own and general safety in the event of an accident involving a plug-in vehicle. The added benefit of the Emergency plug is that it prevents unnecessary damage to the car, which is positive for both the owner and insurers.


Total Safety Solutions Emergency Plug for Firefighters
Fire Departments
Total Safety Solutions Emergency Plug for Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement
Total Safety Solutions Emergency Plug for EMS
Ambulance / EMS
Total Safety Solutions Emergency Plug for Mechanics
Total Safety Solutions Emergency Plug In Use
Roadside Assistance
Total Safety Solutions Emergency Plug for Military
Other Emergency Services

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