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Automating Security Operations with Drones, Robots, Software, and AI

Asylon automates security operations by leveraging aerial and ground robotics, sensors, and data. Their American-Made solutions are built to enable the security operations center of the future.

Automated aerial and ground security robotics. Asylon provides the only full-service robotic security solutions, and partner with other excellent companies to provide superior technology, capability, and services where needed.

DroneDog™ and DroneSentry are a security-first robotic solution, built to maximize capability and minimize cost.

Asylon is the only full-service American robotic perimeter security company. By combining aerial drones and robot dogs, their DroneCore command and control platform is the security patrol automation system of the future. These advanced and automated robotics systems act as significant force multipliers for streamlining security operations.

With all of Asylon’s deployments, they continue to serve as your trusted experts. Their premium services go beyond standard implementation and training. Their security experts on staff provide 24/7 remote monitoring and mission assurance while also assisting in the management of your robotic security data, reporting, mission planning, and teleoperation.


Outperform 24/7 guard posts

Access advanced data analytics

Receive continuous software upgrades

Patrol with thermal and electro-optical camera systems

Operate remotely, anywhere in the world

Inform a response with high-quality data

Use historical data to build a security model around AI/ML

Automate the dull, dirty, and dangerous jobs

Easily Launch A Security Robotics Program

To learn more about how Asylon’s advanced security robotics systems can secure your operation, request a demo now to speak with one of our specialists.

Automated Security Robots

Modernize Your Existing Security Operations

Asylon’s DroneCore platform is built to power your security operations and manage advanced sensors, robotics, data, and mission sets. Combining aerial drones and ground security robot dogs enable both short and long-term operational success. Automate or operate the world’s most advanced security robots to create the most efficient and data-driven security operations center of the future.


Automated Ground Perimeter Security Robot Dog

Asylon created the DroneDog system to help security practitioners create safer facilities. With live video monitoring, remote teleoperation, daytime/nighttime cameras, automated charging, and more, DroneDog makes perimeter security easier by bringing the power of advanced robotics to the security operations center (SOC).

Easily integrate multiple units for advanced perimeter security applications.

Unlock artifical intelligence and immediate software upgrades with advanced, platform-based securoty solutions.

Automate entire perimeter sweeps with a 90 minute average battery life.

The DogHouse enables weatherization, automatic charging, and security features for field operations.

After each mission, DroneDog automatically enters and docks with the charging bay that’s buiolt into the DogHouse.

The PupPack is a security payload that connects DroneDog to the cloud for remote operation and live streaming.

The PupPack security payload features AI classifiers (people + vehicles), 20x optical zoom, daytime/nighttime (EO/IR) vision, GPS tracking, and a flashing strobe light for awareness.


Autonomous Aerial Perimeter Security Drone

DroneSentry is an end-to-end hardware/software system that enables full automation. With more than 25,000 automated patrol or alarm response missions completed, it’s the world’s most widely-used automated security drone system. And because every mission is live-streamed to the cloud, you can monitor your systems from anywhere.

In an emergency situation, immediately launch a drone to act as an aerial first responder and provide high-quality intelligence to inform a response.

Asylon’s in-house experts ensure your automated drone program is safe and compliant. Their technology is built around the stringent requirements of teh aerospace industry.

  • Autonomous Take-Off & Landing
  • Weatherization
  • Battery Swap
  • Cloud Connectivity

Asylon’s drones take off from and land on their custom-built station, DroneHome, for autonomous battery swapping to maximize response capabilities.

Easily Launch A Security Robotics Programs from Asylon Robotics.

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